aussie reviews

Funniest Dog Video 2021 – Must Watch for a Laugh!

When a vicious pitbull attacks the air blower in slow motion! I was trying to clean at home when Hank decided he didn't like the Stihl Electric Air Blower and wanted...

Armscor 40gr JHP 22 Magnum Ammo Accuracy Test

Armscor ammunition is fairly popular with many rimfire shooters, so I thought I'd test out some in my Ruger American 22WMR. I personally won't be replacing my Federal 50gr JHP...

NightTech “XD65 Pro-II” Thermal Monocular (with distance testing)

The XD65 Pro II is NightTech's top thermal model at the time of doing this review. With it's 640 sensor and an impressive detection range of up to 3500m, it's...

I’ll Eat and Drink Surströmming for Melanoma Research (Swedish Stinky Fish Hamish & Andy are weak!)

I will donate ALL funds raised to Melanoma research here in Australia, I have suffered level 4 melanoma before so I understand the impact this has. So PLEASE dig deep...