12 Gauge

A 12-gauge shotgun is a versatile arm because of the design of shotgun ammunition.

Shotguns can typically shoot three different types of shells: birdshot, buckshot, and slugs.

Beginner Basics #11 Understanding Shotguns, Chokes & Shot Sizes

This instalment of my Beginner Series will give you an understanding of how shotguns work, what the various chokes mean and how the shot size performs at various distances. Please...

Dickinson Arms “T1000” Straight Pull Tactical Shotgun

The Dickinson Arms T1000 shotgun is a manually operated straight pull shotgun that offers something different to the lever action shotguns that we have in Australia. The T1000 functioned without...

The Adler Shotgun Re-Classification Myths and Stupidity

The Adler shotgun along with other lever action shotguns are going to be re-classified to Category-D this Friday. Do something about it, stand for gun rights and click here: http://us1.campaign-archive1.com/?u=361282329d4cbabbfe0ed2b19&id=90ffbde16b