12 Gauge

A 12-gauge shotgun is a versatile arm because of the design of shotgun ammunition.

Shotguns can typically shoot three different types of shells: birdshot, buckshot, and slugs.

Dickinson Arms “T1000” Straight Pull Tactical Shotgun

The Dickinson Arms T1000 shotgun is a manually operated straight pull shotgun that offers something different to the lever action shotguns that we have in Australia. The T1000 functioned without...

The Adler Shotgun Re-Classification Myths and Stupidity

The Adler shotgun along with other lever action shotguns are going to be re-classified to Category-D this Friday. Do something about it, stand for gun rights and click here: http://us1.campaign-archive1.com/?u=361282329d4cbabbfe0ed2b19&id=90ffbde16b